
In addition to activities listed in Things To Do, there are plenty of recreational outlets in the Triangle to keep children active, and develop various athletic  skills. Because keeping children busy is expensive, especially for a student mom, this list contains recreational organizations that are either low cost or offer financial assistance.

With 8 branches, the Triangle has one of the largest and most active YMCA communities in the Southeast. In addition to fitness facilities for adults, the Y offers childcare for the little ones, summer camps and after school programs for older kids, as well as an abundance of sports teams for children of all ages. The YMCA does an annual fundraiser, the proceeds of which go to providing scholarships for families in need of assistance to pay for memberships and activities.

With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y nurtures the potential of every youth and teen, improves the nation’s health and well-being, and provides opportunities to give back and support neighbors.

CASL is home to over 20,000 players, coaches, officials, parents, and volunteers. Established in 1974, CASL is one of the largest soccer clubs in the nation and is the largest in North Carolina. CASL serves greater Wake County youth ages 4-18. The CASL league is much more intense and competitive than YMCA soccer, consequently, you can expect your child’s skills to develop faster.

902 Wake Forest Rd

The Salvation Army offers basketball, t-ball, soccer, and flag football for children ages 4-13. At Salvation Army children at taught that winning means having fun, learning fundamental skills and being a part of a team where he or she can make a difference. Unlike triangle area Ys, the Salvation has one community center, all sports are based out of that location (Wake Forest Rd).

Herb Sellers
Post Office Box 61623
(919) 491-7038

Supported by the Durham Bulls, the Durham Bulls Youth Athletic League provides recreational baseball free-of-charge to youngsters in the City of Durham.

Baseball has come to play an increasingly important part in the lives of the more than 500 boys and girls, ages 5 to 12 who participate in the Durham Bulls Youth Athletic League.

North Wake County 919-946-6630
South Wake County 919-210-0319

Can’t commit to a two day a week schedule? I9 Sports offers youth sports leagues with a one day per week commitment. There is also no mandatory volunteering (talk about an oxymoron) to bring team snacks. The trade off? i9 leagues are more expensive that other recreational options listed here. i9 offers soccer, basketball, t-ball, and softball, as well as afterschool programs and summer camps. i9 also offers financial assistance.

The Wake County Parks and Recreation publishes an annual directory of all recreational offerings, which include athletics, art, dance, theater, even pottery, and nature excursions for both children and adults. You can pick up a paper copy of the ledger at any community center, or click the link above to view a PDF.